The Physical & Spiritual
With Quantum Energy
The Physical & Spiritual
With Quantum Energy
Energy is the ability to do work. Learning how to change energy from one form to another and then use it to do the work. When we transcend pain & suffering we create space for new energy to flow. Empowering you to step into your highest potential.
Through a series of beautiful synchronicities Mary was first introduced to Integrative Quantum Medicine(IQM™️) in 2020. Now an expert healer Mary knows the world of energy. Having the ability to connect you to the quantum field, a place of infinite intelligence where your soul knows all your lifetimes lived.
Through a series of beautiful synchronicities Mary was first introduced to Integrative Quantum Medicine(IQM™️) in 2020. Now an expert healer Mary knows the world of energy. Having the ability to connect you to the quantum field, a place of infinite intelligence where your soul knows all your lifetimes lived.
Mary is intuitively guided to take her clients through a dance between minds and worlds, a dance between realms where she has the ability to remove any imbalances and take off what no longer serves your soul….. from this lifetime, past lifetimes and into future timelines building your soul's awareness to harness your own brilliance and bring you back to balance. Bringing you back to self.
A hands free and painless healing technique that goes to the root cause of the problem. Unlocking hidden pain and traumas accessing the release of negative blocks in your body and mind to bring more light and balance. Experience energetic and transformative shifts that can positively impact your life. Harnessing your own innate healing power, your own brilliance bringing you back to balance. Bringing you back to your best self.
Symptoms I can alleviate with
Quantum Healing are:
Quantum Healing are:
Mary is intuitively guided to take her clients through a dance between minds and worlds, a dance between realms where she has the ability to remove any imbalances and take off what no longer serves your soul….. from this lifetime, past lifetimes and into future timelines building your soul's awareness to harness your own brilliance and bring you back to balance. Bringing you back to self.
A hands free and painless healing technique that goes to the root cause of the problem. Unlocking hidden pain and traumas accessing the release of negative blocks in your body and mind to bring more light and balance. Experience energetic and transformative shifts that can positively impact your life. Harnessing your own innate healing power, your own brilliance bringing you back to balance. Bringing you back to your best self.
Symptoms I can alleviate with
Quantum Healing are:
Quantum Healing are:
– Remove energy blockages, restoring ultimate flow
– Release Shame, Humiliation and Guilt
– Detox the body of heavy metals & vaccinations
– Reduce any pain and inflammation
– Improve mental clarity & focus
– Improve sleep quality
– Alleviate Cortisol levels, Pain & Inflammation
– Balance Hormones to alleviate Peri-Menopause & Menopause
– Increase ultimate Peace of Mind
– Balance Hormones to alleviate Peri-Menopause & Menopause
– Increase ultimate Peace of Mind
Bringing a holistic approach to balance and align the body’s energy field promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
– Remove blockages, restoring ultimate flow
– Release Shame, Humiliation and Guilt
– Detox the body of heavy metals & vaccinations
– Reduce any pain and inflammation
– Improve mental clarity & focus
– Improve sleep quality
– Alleviate Cortisol levels, Pain & Inflammation
– Balance Hormones – Peri & Menopause
– Increase ultimate Peace of Mind
– Balance Hormones – Peri & Menopause
– Increase ultimate Peace of Mind
Bringing a holistic approach to balance and align the body’s energy field promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.