Why the name “Mary in the Med”?

When I decided to write this blog I wanted to come up with a catchy name for my vision and branding.  I felt “Mary in the Med” connotated me perfectly.  It was short and snappy.  When I shared it people got the branding right away but interestingly some unanimously felt the Med part represented the medicine world.   I was fascinated as I never saw it that way but rather than rebrand it to “Mary in the Mediterranean” I felt it a perfect opportunity to talk about my healing journey – not through traditional medicines like antidepressants, or chalky white drugs but the actual healings I have been exploring while living in the “Med”iterranean”. 

Maybe I had chosen the name on a subconscious level?  For this very reason, as a way for me to share in my healing experiences.  And quite possibly my reason for leaving my NY in the first place?  Realizing I wasn’t a doctor on any level but knowing I was awoken on another level, hence leaving my familiar world for a life of different experiences. No doctor in a white coat could have prescribed what I was stepping into or have had the insight to know that changing my life was going to be so good for me on many levels. I truly believe on a soul level that had I not left NY when I did, and before Covid-19 took over to disturb all our lives, I would have ended up very stressed out in my old environment and likely end up becoming diseased.  

The word disease means when our bodies are ‘dis’-‘eased’ in some way.  My feeling of disease were being triggered on many levels, and for a long time.  Brought on by myself, for the guilt of a failed marriage, loss of my boys heading off to college, and a business not thriving in the city that never sleeps.  Feeling like I wasn’t enough.  So, in typical Mary style, I took a chance, I listened to something within me.  I changed my energy & my mindset and in doing so changed my life.  Reflecting on knowing what we all know now, about how our lives were to change dramatically due to the pandemic, it was all divinely timed.  And on reflection a reminder that when we listen to our intuition, go with our gut, or feel a strong enough urge to change something our energies will shift.  A chance to experience something new.  For me, it was living not in the medical world but in the Mediterranean world.  

My conscious mind was telling me it was all perfectly timed.  This chapter to begin my journey of self exploration on a deeper level.  I’ve dabbled in many different healing modalities over the years, from Ashram stays to shamanic healings, acupuncture, astrology and reiki to name a few.  But just as I believe that our masters show up for us when we’re ready, I was ready for a transformation and Ibiza was my new teaching ground.  

I’m settling in well, slowing down, finding my tribe and enjoying this new chapter.  Life continues to be a journey.  It’s not the destination but the experiences we encounter along the way when we’re open to them.  So staying with my initial branding and in my new home here in the “Med” I’m excited to see where life takes me.





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4 Responses

  1. Mary says:

    I’m going to live through you on this one, Mary!! Your story touches me deeply. Although we only knew each other for a short time in Queens, NY, I know you were meant to be a small part of my journey back then. You BE YOU! Life your beat life. We are only here on this Earth for a short while. Enjoy. And I’ll be following!

  2. Louise says:

    I enjoyed this and your blog resonates with every woman who is brave to embrace change.

    When Life throws lemons make lemonade.

    1. Mary says:

      Thanks Louise for your kind words!
      The lemonade is tasting pretty good 👌

  3. Eva Moroney says:

    Love, Love it!!

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